Schlägel für Surdo
Home > Instrumente > Drums & Percussion > Drums Zubehör > Sticks und Mallets > Schlägel für Surdo
Meinl Sb3 - Surdo Beater SambaMEINL offers a wide assortment of Samba Beaters for Surdos and Repiniques in order to achieve their authentic sounds. All beaters are made from high quality materials and ensure a comfortable playing. 16 long, wood stick with 2 1/2 felt beater Drums...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl Sb1 - Surdo SambaMEINL offers a wide assortment of Samba Beaters for Surdos and Repiniques in order to achieve their authentic sounds. All beaters are made from high quality materials and ensure a comfortable playing. 15 long, aluminum stick with 2 felt beater Drums...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Gope Aluminium Surdo Mallet - Gp-ba24- Aluminium body - ruber handle Drums Percussion, Drums Zubehör, Sticks und Mallets, Schlägel für Surdo, GopeAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Gope Surdo Mallet - Gp-ba1740cm Drums Percussion, Drums Zubehör, Sticks und Mallets, Schlägel für Surdo, GopeAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |