Home > Instrumente > Drums & Percussion > Percussion > Hand-Percussions > Claves
Eagletone Cl20- aus Siam-Eiche - 20 cm lang Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions, Claves, EagletoneAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Eagletone Cl25- Aus exotischem Hartholz - 25 cm lang (10) Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions, Claves, EagletoneAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Pearl Pcl10-fcwThe Chin-Chan hardwood claves feature a harder, brighter tone, if you compare it to the bamboo pair folkloric claves which have a dry airy tone. Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions, Claves, PearlAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp African - Lp 212rClave (pronounced clah’ vay) is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (backward clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or, two beats then three beats. Claves...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Schlagwerk Bubinga - Cl 8106Sie sind das Pflichtprogramm jedes Percussionisten. Trotz oder gerade wegen ihrer Einfachheit: Die Claves sind das rhythmische Grundgerüst für zahlreiche Stilrichtungen der lateinamerikanischen Musik – von Son, Rumba, Salsa bis Bossa Nova. Bubinga...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl African - Cl3African Claves are slightly larger and have a lower fundamental pitch. Additionally, the resonating body is larger than the striker. Available in two different versions: Solid- and hollowed out body. Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions,...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl Classic Redwood - Cl1rwClavenpaar aus Redwood. Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions, Claves, MeinlAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl African - Cl2hwAfrican Claves are slightly larger and have a lower fundamental pitch. Additionally, the resonating body is larger than the striker. Available in two different versions: Solid- and hollowed out body. Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions,...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl Classic Wood - Cl1The MEINL Classic Wood Claves are the most common claves and produce the classic cutting sound. Both the clave and the striker have the same size. Drums Percussion, Percussion, Hand-Percussions, Claves, MeinlAktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp Traditional - Lp 262Clave (pronounced clah’ vay) is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (backward clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or, two beats then three beats. Claves...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp - Lp 211rClave (pronounced clah’ vay) is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (backward clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or, two beats then three beats. Claves...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp King Klave - Lp 597Clave (pronounced clah’ vay) is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (backward clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or, two beats then three beats. Claves...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp Traditional - Lp 262rClave (pronounced clah’ vay) is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (backward clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or, two beats then three beats. Claves...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Lp Latin Percussion Lp Traditional - Lp 262Clave is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (reverse clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or two beats then three beats. Claves are the traditional instruments...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |
Meinl Professional Salsa ClaveThe MEINL Professional Salsa Claves are made out of a high density wood that allows these instruments to have a loud sound that will cut through the ensemble in live situations. They have a high pitch and a are very durable. Solid body. African Blackwood...Aktuelles Angebot anzeigen.. |