Waka Drums Pentatonic Balafon - 20 Bars

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Waka Drums Pentatonic…

Musik Werbenetz - www.musica.at

Waka Drums Pentatonic Balafon - 20 Bars
This instrument is totally handmade by Youssouf KEÏTA known as the best manufacturer in West Africa. The wood used is Gueni and it is the heart of the wood that is extracted the bars that giving them a very high sound quality. The mallets are made in solid bambou (lightweight and strong) with natural rubber head. The frame is made ??of iroko, Kotibé or Gueni. - 20 Iroko bars - Pentatonic scale - Mallets : solid bambou handle with natural rubber head - Bag
Drums Percussion, Percussion, Afrikanische Percussion, Sonstige Afrikanische Drums, Waka Drums

Waka Drums

Waka Drums Pentatonic Balafon - 20 Bars: Weitere Informationen...

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