Hammond Xlk-3c

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Musik Werbenetz - www.musica.at

Hammond Xlk-3c…

Musik Werbenetz - www.musica.at

Hammond Xlk-3c
The XLK3 will convert your Keyboard in to a two manual portable Hammond Organ . No screws are required, simply plug in a couple of cables and lower the XK3 into the XLK3; The result : 2x61 note manual Hammond organ which will fit into the average family car and is easily carried by one person. Once connecte, the XLK3 automatically plays the left drawbars on the lower organ. SPECIFICATION Number of keys : 73 (61 + 12 preset keys) Dimensions (W x H x D) 119 x 57 x 8 cm Weight : 11 kg Optional XPK MIDI Pedal Board, Expression Pedal
Keys, Combo Orgel - Digitales Cembalo, Hammond


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